Friday 25 October 2019

Week 6(replacement class): Continuing creating Lesson Plan

this is the replacement class for week 2. Today we continue our task in creating Lesson Plan.

Week 5: Creating Story Board

Today we learn about creating story board. storyboard is a sequence of drawings that represent the shots planned for a video production. as for our courses, we need to create story board on how we going to teach a class in one session.

Discussion on creating story board

this is our story board on how we are going to teach a class base on particular subject

Presentation of our story board by us

Week 4: No class for today

Class will be replaced at another day.

Week 3: Lesson Plan(RPH) making in group

On today class, we were given a task to create a Lesson Plan. Lesson plan is a teaching guide for teachers to follow in detailed step by step and have objectives for what the students will accomplish during the course of the lesson and how they will learn it.
Each group have particular chapter base on form 1 text book.

This are the Topics that are been given

Besides Lesson plan, we also given the task to create a board game that related to this topic given.
Our new group mate that come from China.

Week 2: Haze

Week 2:  Haze

No class because of the haze.

week 14: Presenting our Posters, Boardgame and Video

For this final class, all groups need to present all of our assignments to the class. All groups did very well in their presentation. we als...